The Girl-led Revolution Just Yell Fire is a movement of 1.5 million girls across 64 countries who work to empower their fellow girls to know their rights, stand up for themselves, be aware of the dangers they face and escape violence when trouble finds chem. Dallas Jessup, the CEO who founded rhe organization when she was 15 said, “Just Yell Fire™ is taking on a crisis: violence and abuse against young women and girls. The numbers are
horrific: 1 in 4 becomes a sexual assault victim, 1 in 3 face dating abuse, and too many encounter random
violence, date rape drugs, hate crimes, or traffickers. We believe every girl has the right to live a life free
of fear, abuse, or violence and we're fighting back.” Don't miss their “Dating Bill of Rights.” Genius.
“Young Face of Resistance”
– USA Today

A Leading Voice of the Next Great Generation
Speaking Fees Go To The Non Profit Just Yell Fire
Speaking Fees Go To The Non Profit Just Yell Fire
Just Yell Fire Featured in Safe Magazine's List of Global Heroes
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